Logik der Begrenzungen
11.03.2023 • ERDROTATION
"Psychoanalyse erlernt man zunächst am eigenen Leib, durch das Studium der eigenen Persönlichkeit."
Sigmund Freud, Vorlesungen zur Einführung in die Psychoanalyse (1916)
Samstag, 11. März 2023, 14:00 Uhr
Erdrotation – Dialogorientierte, undogmatische Gesprächsrunde.
Ort Gartenakademie(bei Interesse per E-Mail anfragen)
- Logik der Begrenzungen ... Logic of Borders
Erfülltes Sprechen hat seinen Raum im Sozialen wie auch in der Vorstellung. Wo jedoch sind die Grenzen des Individuellen und des Allgemeinen? Sind sie bestimmbar und wie sieht das aus, wenn man den Traum als Ausdrucksform einbezieht?
Eine Botschaft dazu stellte sich im Nach(t)gang zur vergangenen Erdrotation ein:
“Can you please expose the lawn light country green above the ground?”
The light grey letters fell down like a drizzling rain from a cloud above. Organized themselves in lines, which appeared vertically along the small piece of paper. A few at first, then a full line appeared below each of them, slowly, one by one. Each letter was edged with a box and after being marked, disappeared. New letters flew in from down to up. The line was taken by an invisible force and put horizontally. Slightly fuzzy. The vertical arrangement became invisible, but remained, while the horizontal letters continued to be added like swinging leafs from a tree. One line, the next, spaces between groups of letters, so they appeared as word
Autonomously, no item made sense. They belonged together and conveyed a message solely in contrast to the transparent page on which they dropped down. Grass green showed up after two paragraphs were complete. Three or four word-like items turned into this color. Others then turned yellow. A third paragraph had flown. The configuration made sure, that now the foreword is ready. The complete arrangement existed in two layers, one from up to down, the other horizontally.
“It’s about the logic of borders”, the dream lashed down a message. Things were comfortably in order. No linguistic item would ever distinguish itself from the heritage of order and system. Of separation. Each unit immediately evoked another. While nothing was a pure stream of consciousness. There were gaps in a consistent carpet of meaning, which had colors woven in, grass green and yellow, not instead but in fact. Like the sky above.
“Thank you force of wind, for delivering the letters. They turn to air for us to breathe. But the mind … how can we distinct our own imagination from what we receive?”
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