Another Difficulty in the Path of Psychoanalysis?
22.08.2020 • ERDROTATION
"Psychoanalyse erlernt man zunächst am eigenen Leib, durch das Studium der eigenen Persönlichkeit."
Sigmund Freud, Vorlesungen zur Einführung in die Psychoanalyse (1916)
- Samstag, 22. August 2020, 14:00 Uhr
Erdrotation – Dialogorientierte, undogmatische Gesprächsrunde.
Zeitlich offen.
Ort: Pardo's Düsseldorf, Bistro des K 21, Wasserstraße
Another Difficulty ...
Since March 2020, the European public – predominantly the opposite of a lower and middle-income region – has seen some unexpected hyper-activity. It could have been foreseeable, but neither a pattern of suitable collective behavior nor a role model of understanding was available. Widely, early warning signs from Asia were ignored. Supposed invincibility took the stand instead. We now – in Summer 2020 – know that a new virus has been able to shake the social orders of the globe.
As a Germany-based business consultant with a focus on marketing and communications and a family living in a large East-African harbor city, I see the world through separate eyes. A special view gives me insights into what we could call the unconscious of organizations and even more the unconscious of objectivity. So when emergency plans arose publicly and the accompanying impressions in my fellows’ souls sought expression, I could not help remembering Sigmund Freud’s three great blows to man’s self-love which he described in 1917.
I have noticed a fourth such blow. To explain it, I ask for your approval of a few hypothesis.
... If you like, we can enyjoy discussing a paper on this specific topic.
Thoughts on this matter were discussed on 18. April 2020: Eine weitere, große narzisstische Kränkung?
Ulrich Hermanns